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Help, Premium Features, and Privacy

Send email to if you have feedback, questions, bug reports, or need any help beyond the info below. Thank you!


This add-in allows you to include any YouTube or Vimeo video in your PowerPoint presentation or in Excel.

To use this add-in, you must first find the video that you want to include: go to or and browse for the video you want. Then look in the address bar to get the URL.

Copy that entire URL and paste it into this app in the white box on the main page. Then click the Set Video button to save that choice and view the video. Afterwards, when you send the presentation to other people or open it yourself, it will already have your chosen video ready to play.

If you want another video, insert another Web Video Player app from the Insert Add-ins button in the ribbon.

Premium Features

Web Video Player is provided with basic video insertion and playing for free. It's funded via voluntary contributions, which can be made through PayPal from the Mac or Windows versions of Office. You must sign in to Office in the top right corner with a work, school, or personal account before purchasing.

Once a user contributed, the add-in stores their Office account identifier in a database. From then on, those users get access to premium features. Those users also get a promise to never see adds in Web Video Player, now and in the future. These premium features work no matter what computer, document, or operating system you use for Web Video Player. The number of files enabled for the single contribution is unlimited. The only requirement is that you sign in to Office.

Here is the current list of premium features. All of these are awarded to users who contribute:

All of these features work after the video is inserted, even if another user who did not make a contribution is opening the file.


The add-in never collects, stores, or transmits information that can be used to identify you, except for PayPal data: If you use PayPal to contribute, then PayPal provides Web Video Player with the email address and name from your PayPal account.

Google is used to track traffic, so they do collect metadata such as how many people use the add-in and how often, but not any personally-identifiable information.

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